Friday, 28 February 2014

Speech Criteria

  • personal connection
  • audience engagement
  • specific ( example: T-Rex vs. dinosaurs)
  • 2 to 4 minutes (aim for 3 minutes)

To do...Feb. 28

  • Math - worksheet "Combined Transformations"
  • Math Checkpoint - Monday
  • Social Studies - Draft ideas (Tuesday)
  • Blogpost - overdue

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Grade 6 Literature Circles

1. Go to Mr. Kaufman's Blog and read about the book options. You can't choose a book that you've already read unless discussed with Mr. Congram.

2.  Complete the survey of your top 3 choices on the survey by Thursday.

Monday, 24 February 2014

To do...Feb. 24

  1. Science Test tomorrow 
  2. Be prepared to present your Olympic site (if you haven't already)
  3. Report card signed and returned
  4. Science Presentations will be completed throughout the week

Folk Art

Team Canada

Here is the great commercial for the Paralympics that froze in class.

Weekly Blogpost

"Some things make you remember where you were, and you don’t forget. Nothing forges those moments across our country like the Olympics." Bruce Arthur 

Choose 3 magical Sochi Olympic moments and explain why they are significant.

Due: Friday, Feb. 28

Friday, 21 February 2014

To do...Feb. 21

  • Math Test - Monday
  • Science Test - Tuesday
  • Olympic Website presentations will begin Monday
  • Science Presentations will begin Tuesday

Go Canada Go!!!

Good advice!

Thursday, 20 February 2014

To do...Feb. 20

Math - textbook p. 154 #4, 6, 9, 10 and p. 157 #2 d, e, f (due Friday)

Math review - p. 160-161 #1-3, 6-8, 10, 11, 14-16, 19 (optional, work on what you need)

Math test moved to Monday and Science test moved to Tuesday

Olympic Athlete website due Friday

Science Project - presentations begin Friday

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

To do...Feb. 18

  1. Math homework - p. 149 #1, 4, 6, 7, 12
  2. Math Test - Friday (see note below)
  3. Olympic Athlete/Sport website due Friday (presentations begin Monday - 2 to 3 mins.)
  4. Science - design projects due Friday (presentations begin Friday)
  5. Science test - next Monday

Grade 6 Decimal Test

Test is on Friday.

  • Standard form, expanded and words
  • Comparing and Ordering (including number line)
  • Rounding
  • Estimating Sums and Differences
  • Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying & Dividing
  • Multiplying by 10, 100, 1000 and 0.1, 0.01, 0.001
  • Dividing by 10, 100, 1000
  • Thursday, 13 February 2014

    To do...Feb. 14

    1. Math - worksheets (multiplying/dividing decimals)
    2. Math checkpoint tomorrow
    3. Literacy - Number the Stars assignment (see post below)

    Number the Stars - Literacy Assignment

    Heroism displays itself in different ways. Think of four characters from Number the Stars who behave heroically. Explain what each character does that is heroic with support from the text.

    Think again about bravery and courage. Does bravery mean being unafraid, or does
    it mean doing something daring even if you are afraid?

    Success Criteria:
    • referred to the text
    • used supporting details and ideas
    • used grade appropriate vocabulary
    • described emotions and character traits
    • made proper use of conventions (spelling, punctuation, grammar)

    Wednesday, 12 February 2014

    Tuesday, 11 February 2014

    To do...Feb. 11

    1. Math - textbook p. 142 #4, 5, 7, 9
    2. Literature Circle - all work due tomorrow

    Science - Electricity Review

    • types of electricity
    • identify renewable and non-renewable energy sources (advantages and disadvantages)
    • types of circuits (be able to draw them with proper symbols)
    • vocabulary: conductor, insulator, circuit, electricity (define)
    • relationship between electricity and magnetism
    • how can you conserve electricity?
    Test will be on Monday, February 24. We will be doing a short review in class to ensure you have up to date notes.

    Monday, 10 February 2014

    To do...Feb. 10

    1. Math - textbook p. 139 #1 (a, c, e, g, i), 2 (a,c), 5, 6, 7 & p. 141 # 1 (a, e, g, h)
    2. Literature Circle: Number the Stars - all work due by Wednesday

    1. Start with a tall 9" x 15" sheet of black paper. Fold the paper in half three times to make 8 equal sections as shown. Draw a head, neck and body as shown on the diagram.
    2. Draw hair around the head as needed.
    3. Modigliana drew his faces in stretched proportions as the eyes usually sit in the middle of the face. Draw your  eyes near the top of the head, and the mouth near the bottom. Continue with a nose and eyebrows.
    4. With a black oil pastel, trace the pencil lines using a lot of pressure to make a thick line. Fill in the skin, hair and clothes with more pastel. If some of the black lines get covered up, trace all again when complete.

    Friday, 7 February 2014

    To do...Feb. 7

    1. French - Quiz on Numbers next Friday
    2. Literature Circle - chapter 14 to 16 due Monday
    3. Science - any materials you need to build your design

    Thursday, 6 February 2014

    To do...Feb. 6

    • Math textbook: page #1 (a, d, g, i), 3, 10
    • Literature Circle - final session: chapters 14 to 16 (due for Monday); remember to make sure you have all your work from all 5 sessions completed
    • Science - plan for your design/materials you might need
    • Scholastic Orders due tomorrow

    Math Problems - Decimals

    Math Communication - for each image explain, using the math, what is wrong with each deal.

    Tuesday, 4 February 2014

    Doodle 4 Google

    I don't think anyone managed to submit a Doodle for consideration, but we can vote for our favourite from across Canada.

    Doodle 4 Google - voting

    Alien Alphabet

    To do...Feb. 4

    • Math Homework - textbook p. 127-128 #1-3 (a, c, e, h), 8, 10
    • Literature Circle - chapters 12 and 13 due Thursday
    • Drama Monologue - "Casket" Scene - present starting on Thursday

    Monday, 3 February 2014

    To do...Feb. 3

    1. Math - worksheet (both sides)
    2. Literature Circle - begin preparing (chapter 12 and 13) - due Thursday
    3. Drama Monologue - "Casket" Scene from "Number the Stars" - due Thursday
    4. Math Checkpoint tomorrow: decimals - represent in variety of ways (words, standard, expanded); ordering; number lines
    5. Signed rubrics for Geometry Mind Map & "Bench Ball" procedure

    Electricity Design Challenge

    Select a design challenge:

     lighthouse, flashlight, locker light, alarm system, game, car, fan, merry-go-round etc.
    ·         one of your own invention

    Learning Goals:
    ·         design, build and test a device that transforms electrical energy into another form of energy in order to perform a function (2.5)
    ·         use appropriate science and technology vocabulary in oral and written communication (e.g. transform, circuit etc.)

    Success Criteria:
    ü  description of your device and its purpose (plan)
    ü  build your device
    ü  labeled diagram (including the circuit)
    ü  list of materials required/how it was built (procedure)
    ü  evidence of testing (pictures, written, video), problems encountered and changes made
    ü  present your information clearly and creatively to the class

    Due date: Friday, Feb. 21, 2014 (this date may change depending on schedule)