Friday, 31 January 2014

To do...Jan. 31

  1. Math - Decimals: Number Lines #3-6
  2. Literature Circle - chapters 10-11 (Monday)
  3. Summary - Oliver's Game (I am marking this weekend!!!)
  4. Math  Test signed (or you owe me time next week)
  5. Science - worksheet for Bill Nye video (due Monday)
  6. Olympic Athlete - find out about your athlete (not mandatory)

Bill Nye - Electricity

Thursday, 30 January 2014

To do...Jan. 30

  1. Math - textbook p. 123 #1-3, 6, 7, 9, 12
  2. Science - p. 30-31: Record observations and answer #3 (Communicate)
  3. Literature Circle - prepared chapter 8 & 9 (Monday)
  4. Summary - "Oliver's Game"
  5. Choose athlete and fill out online form
  6. Math test signed!!!

Olympic Athlete

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Olympic Athlete Assignment

During the winter Olympics you will be responsible for researching about a Canadian athlete. The two limitations are:

  • no one in the class is allowed to research the same athlete
  • no one is allowed to research a NHL player (trying to broaden our experience and knowledge)
Be prepared with a minimum of 3 possible athletes by Friday.

Here are two resources to begin your search:

Canadian Olympics

Canadian Paralympics

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

To do...Jan. 28

  1. Number the Stars - Lit. Circles  be ready for session 2

Summary - Success Criteria

Success Criteria

A good summary:  
  • Your own language (no quoting or examples from text)
  • Important character/people’s names
  • Most Important Events/Details
  • Most Important Words/Vocabulary
  • Logically Organized
  • You include an effective introductory and concluding sentence

.  Conventions (Grammar, Spelling, Punctation)

Monday, 27 January 2014

To do...Jan. 27

  1. Math - textbook p. 116 #1-2
  2. Math Test signed
  3. Science - p. 30-31: Record observations and answer #3 (Communicate)
  4. Literacy - read Number the Stars chapters 8-9

Friday, 24 January 2014

To do...Jan. 24

  1. Geometry Mind Map - due Monday
  2. Drama Monologue - some presentations Monday
  3. Literature Circle - prepared for first meeting with group

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Trupp - Object Monologue

Upcoming Assignments and Due Dates

  1. Math Test (Quiz) - Thursday
    • identify, estimate and draw angles
    • attributes of polygons (Mind Map is excellent preparation)
    • constructing polygons
  2. Drama - object monologue - present Friday (unless absent)
  3. Literature Circle - be prepared for your first group meeting on Thursday (chapters 6 and 7)
  4. Geometry Mind Map - due Monday 

Monday, 20 January 2014

To do...Jan. 20

  1. Literacy - comprehension question (chapter 5)
  2. Math test - Thursday (polygons, angles)
  3. Science - p. 35 #1-3
  4. Geometry Mind Map (final copy due next Monday)

Are you ready?

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

To do...Jan. 14

  1. Social Studies - map & list of questions (due Wed.)
  2. Social Studies - paragraph for word
  3. Art due Thursday

Monday, 13 January 2014

To do...Jan. 13

  1. Math - worksheet
  2. Math checkpoint tomorrow (attributes of polygon, construct figures, draw & measure angles)
  3. Science - "Where does electricity come from?" - due Monday
  4. Art - geometric animal - due Thursday
  5. French cahier needs to be brought home

Yearbook orders due by the end of the week:  Jostens
Scholastic orders due Tuesday 

Homework about homework

We will continue our "4 Corners" debate later this week. Read these articles in preparation:

Is homework harmful?

My Issues with Homework

Friday, 10 January 2014

To do...Jan. 10

  1. Blog Post due Monday
  2. Math - textbook p. 88-89 #1 c, 3, 5
  3. Bring or post example of procedure
  4. Writing - "How to Play Tic Tac Toe"

Thursday, 9 January 2014

To do...Jan. 9

  1. Math - textbook p. 93 "Connect" and p.94 #3, 5; worksheets
  2. Social Studies - paragraph (Thursday)
  3. Rubrics signed (narrative & independent reading project)
  4. Bring geometry set
  5. Scholastic order - due Tuesday
  6. Flashback Friday

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

To do...

  1. "Tic Tac Toe" instructions - due by Thursday (shared with Mr. Congram)
  2. Math - draw 4 triangles using ruler and protractor (see photo)
  3. Science due Friday
  4. Blog Post due Monday

For Christmas I was given a new Rubik's cube. I have begun to work on number 9 on my "Things I Wish I Could Do" list. Our next writing form in class is procedural writing. We will be writing and creating instructions for various tasks over the next few months.

Monday, 6 January 2014

To do...January 6

  1. Math - Geometry worksheets (drawing & measuring angles)
  2. Science - p. 22 #1-5
  3. Blogpost due Monday
  4. French - Cahier #1-25 (due Friday)

Using Protractor

Using Protractor

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Year in Review

Year in Review Quiz

Blogpost for the New Year

Complete the following statements as you look ahead in 2014. 

A bad habit I'm going to break is...
A new skill I'd like to learn is...
A person I hope to be more like...
A good deed I'm going to do...
A place I'd like to visit...
A book I'd like to read...
A new food I'd like to try...
I'm going to do better at...

Due Monday, January 13