Wednesday, 18 June 2014

To do...June 19

Tomorrow (during periods 1 and 2) is the last chance to finish the following assignments:

  • Data Management Project
  • Persuasive writing (free choice on topic)
  • Media text assignments
If you know you can't finish in this time, please complete some of the work for homework.

Other notes:
  • Thursday is the deadline for trip forms
  • 2 L pop bottles (we need 3 to 5 for an activity)

Upcoming dates:
  • Monday: trip to Simeon Park (all day)
  • Wednesday: Leaders at the Primary Play Day
  • Wednesday: Awards Assembly (1:30 to 3:00)
  • Thursday: Final Half Day

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

To do...Wed., June 11

  1. Signed rubrics (Math test, Science test, Literature Circle)
  2. The following assignments are overdue for some students: writing (Movie theatre or home theatre); Art reproduction; Literature Circle project

Monday, 9 June 2014

Work for June 10

Mr. Congram is away at the Area Track and Field event tomorrow. Remaining students will be merging with Mr. Keith's class. The following are items that can be worked on:

Grade 6 Media Poster - Part 2

Learning Goal:  Create a movie poster (Digital or hard copy) of a movie that you have seen.

Find a movie poster or book cover on the internet of a movie/book that you have seen or read that you feel is not a good representation of the film/book

Recreate the movie poster/ book cover following our success criteria.  See the criteria from yesterday's post.

Explain what changes you made to the original and why your movie poster/ book cover is a better representation of the movie/book.


To do...June 9

  1. Rubrics signed: Science test, Math test, Literature Circle (by Thursday)
  2. Topic for second persuasive writing
  3. Math - create a document with 2 graphs and statements (share with Mr. Congram)
  4. Letter for Mrs. Gabriel signed and returned
  5. Artist Research - overdue

Thursday, 5 June 2014

To do...June 5

There are a number of assignments that need to be finished up:
  • "Heritage Moment" - Canadian Space Exploration
  • Artist Research Project
  • Literature Circle Project - presentations next Monday and Wednesday
  • Persuasive writing (Movie Theatre vs. Home Theatre) - due Monday at latest

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Persuasive Media Text

Learning Goal:  Find a movie poster on the internet and explain why you think it meets the criteria for a persuasive media text.

1.  Create a document on Google drive called "Movie Poster"- Name

2.  Share the document with me

3.  Search the internet for a movie poster that meets the success criteria (picture of it below)

4.  Paste the image onto the document

5.  Explain why you think the poster you chose meets the criteria (Be specific)

Monday, 2 June 2014

To do...Monday, June 2

This week is EQAO until Wednesday. There will not be any new homework assignments. We have a few on-going items to be thinking about:
  • Literature Circle Project (using images) - presentations next week
  • Persuasive writing - good copy due Monday
  • Artist research project - due by the end of this week
  • Science - "Heritage Moment" - due by the end of this week
Reminder: many students will be representing Highview at the Area Track and Field on Tuesday, June 10. Please return the permission form and $2 by the end of this week. 

Monday, 26 May 2014

To do...May 26

  1. Math Review - p. 243 #7, 8, 10, 11, 12; p. 375 #10 (time in class tomorrow)
  2. Math Test - Wednesday
  3. ART - Artist Reproduction & blog post due by next Thursday, June 5
  4. Science - Canadian Space "Heritage Moment" due by next Thursday, June 5
  5. Literature Circle work - hand in tomorrow

Persuasive Writing Rubric

Literature Circle Project

Friday, 23 May 2014

To do...May 23

  1. Science Test - Monday
  2. ART - sketch of reproduction completed for Monday
  3. Math Test - Wednesday (many need to make sure you get help with Checkpoint questions)
  4. Literature Circle #3 - handed in on Tuesday
  5. Science - "Canadian Space Exploration" moment due next Friday (time in class)

Thursday, 22 May 2014

To do...May 22

  1. Math - textbook p.234 #1-5
  2. Literature Circles - handed in next Tuesday 
  3. Science test - Monday
  4. Math test next week (Wednesday is the possible day)
  • surface area and volume of rectangular and triangular prism
  • drawing 3D 
  • capacity
  • mass

Friday, 16 May 2014

Thursday, 15 May 2014

To do...May 15

1. Math - text p. 369 #6, 7, 8 and worksheet #1 c, 2 c, 3 and "Stretch Your..."
2. Math checkpoint (volume of a rectangular prism & triangular prism/ surface area of triangular prism)
        - next Tuesday
3. Be prepared for track and field in gym

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

To do...May 13

  1. Math - text p. 230 #1, 3, 4, 6; p. 364 #1, 2, 3
  2. Literature circle - Thursday

Monday, 12 May 2014

Solar Eclipse

Space - Unit Test Review

Need to know:

  • vocabulary from the unit (know what they mean and how they apply to the unit)
  • relationship between the Earth, our Sun and the Moon (for example, eclipses)
  • why we have day and night
  • what causes our seasons in the Northern Hemisphere
  • Moon Phases
  • information about one planet other than the Earth

Test date: Monday, May 26

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Canadian Contributions to Space Exploration

Learning Goal:
Create a "heritage" moment about a Canadian contribution to space exploration

Success Criteria:

  • approximately 30 seconds long
  • summarize main benefit or highlight of the contribution
  • persuade audience of importance of your choice
  • includes important facts or details

Heritage Moments

Avro Arrow | Historica Canada

Maple Leaf Gardens


Friday, 9 May 2014

To do...May 9

  1. Math worksheet - Surface Area & Volume
  2. ART - be prepared to begin your reproduction
  3. Social studies - meaning of the Canadian flag
  4. Literature Circle - next Tuesday
Bake for 30 minutes at 425 degrees (if you know what I mean)

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Hoops for Heart teams

Team #1
S. L.
B. A.
I. K.
F. A.

Team #2
D. S.
S. S.
A. N.
K. H.
K. P.

Team #3
S. M.
G. Z.
M. D.
H. R.
J. C.

Team #4
B. B.
A. B.
M. A.
B. W.

Team #5
J. L.
E. S.
C. C.
B. S.

Team #6
A. L.
M. L.
J. M.
M. Y.
M. H.

Team #7
K. M
A. S.
M. S.
S. La.
B. L.

Team #8
G. W.
C. S.
P. P.

E. W.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

To do...May 7

  1. Literature Circle - Session #2 tomorrow
  2. Math checkpoint - Surface area/orthographic drawing tomorrow
  3. Gym clothes everyday for track and field
  4. Science - Moon Phases due tomorrow
  5. ART - Monday: be prepared to begin creating the reproduction of your artist's work
  6. Social Studies - Find out what the Canadian flag means
  7. Health booklet - "Burns and Bites"

Monday, 5 May 2014

To do...May 5

  1. Math - text p. 226 #1 abd, 3 (written out properly)
  2. Literature Circle - first session tomorrow
  3. Quotes Blogpost (ready to show)
  4. Hoops for Heart $ due Wed. 
  5. Scholastic due Friday

Hoops for Heart event - Friday (first 2 periods of the morning)

Friday, 2 May 2014

Dekpor Project

Next week grade 6 students will be selling hand-made, glass bead bracelets  for $8
Students  have  studied a variety of global issues including access to clean water, healthcare and education and would now like to take action and make a positive difference. The money from the sale will go to Carol Sheardown's organization, Dekpor School Development Organisation.  

To do...May 2

  1. Math test Rubric signed (other rubrics as well!!!)
  2. Math - text p. 223 #5
  3. Literature Circle - Tuesday
  4. Dekpor Bracelets $8
  5. Hoops for Heart $ - Wednesday
  6. Quotes Blogpost - be prepared to share with class

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

To do...April 30

  1. Math - textbook p. 222 #1 a, b, d, 3, 4, 7, 10
  2. Dance Projects - presented on Friday
  3. Hoops for Heart $ by next Wed.
  4. Science - "Planets, Asteroids, Comets..." due Friday

Monday, 28 April 2014

Art Research Project

 Learning Goal: Create a blog post about your artist and create a reproduction of one of their pieces

Success Criteria:

  • who is the artist that you chose to research? 
  • what type of work did they create? ( paintings, sculptures, both, etc) 
  • what style of art? (abstract, realistic, etc.)
  • three interesting facts about the artist
  • quote from the artist OR about the artist 
  • what you like or don’t like about the artist and their work (your opinion). Your opinion should be specific. 
  • choose 3 pieces of art that the artist created and include them in your post


Friday, 25 April 2014

Dance Rubric

To do..April 25

  1. Math test - Monday (Tuesday for the basketball boys)
  2. Science - Eclipses (checking on Monday)
  3. Dance Project - performances next Friday

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

To do...April 23

  1. Math textbook (from Monday): p. 425 #4; p. 424 #1 a-d; p. 418 #1-3, 5; p. 414 #1-6
  2. Math test - Probability: Monday
  3. Dance Presentations - next week
  4. Science - write up about ECLIPSES (including diagrams)

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Summary & Reflection Assessment

Choose one of the following articles and write a summary and reflection on Google Docs (remember to share with me). It is to be completed during class time.

Monopoly gets 5 new rules

or "Should Caroline be allowed to play football?" (printed version)

A good summary:  
  • Your own language (no quoting or examples from text)
  • Important character/people’s names
  • Most Important Events/Details
  • Most Important Words/Vocabulary
  • Logically Organized
  • You include an effective introductory and concluding sentence
  • Conventions (Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation)
A good reflection:

  • Shares opinion of text
  • Always tries to uncover the Big Idea in a text
  • Always tries to uncover the most important part of the text
  • Challenge the text by asking questions
  • Makes connections when talking about background knowledge
  • What’s the author’s viewpoint?  Do they show a bias?

Our NHL Playoff Picks

The chances of picking both conference winners and the Stanley Cup winner is 1/128 or 0.8%. According to our two classes, we think Boston over Chicago in the finals. We will see how well we do (who picked Toronto?)

To do...April 17

  1. Quotes Blogpost due Tuesday
Have a nice weekend!

Speech Selection

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

To do...April 15

  1. ART - Mixed Media due tomorrow
  2. Speech - everyone else tomorrow
  3. Science - bring a flashlight if possible
  4. MATH - make your playoff picks on the blog
  5. Social Studies - reflection due tomorrow
Tomorrow you will have one more period to work on book trailers

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Monday, 14 April 2014

Rock, Paper, Scissors

Is there a winning strategy or is it a  fact that no matter what the strategy, each player has the same chance of winning when you play the game?

Human vs. Computer

How to win Rock-paper-scissors every time (infographic)

Friday, 11 April 2014

To do...April 11

  1. Math textbook - p. 411 #2, 3, 4
  2. Science - research on our Solar System due Wed. April 16
  3. Book Trailer - be prepared to work on it Monday and Tuesday
  4. Speech - present April 16 and 17
  5. ART - Mixed Media due next Thursday

Thursday, 10 April 2014

To do...April 10

  1. Literature Circle - due tomorrow
  2. Speech - present April 16 & 17

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Upcoming Due Dates

  • Literature Circles - written due Friday
  • Math test (fractions, percents, ratios, rates) Thursday (I'm available before school - 8 am on)
  • Speeches - present April 16 and 17
  • Blogpost - April 22

Dance Project

Book Trailer - Lit. Circles

Think of a book trailer as something like a movie trailer. It is a short preview designed to get people excited about your book.

Here are a couple of examples:

Learning Goal:
  •   create a book trailer to preview your book and persuade others to read it using iMovie

Success Criteria:

·                     create a storyboard plan
·                     persuasive phrases and words
·                     good images that represent the book
·                     1 - 1 1/2 minutes
·                     music fits the mood of the book
·                     use the main and most interesting parts
·                     engages the audience

Monday, 7 April 2014

To do...April 7

  1. Literature Circles - final session tomorrow (hand-in written by Friday)
  2. Speech - rough draft should be done; make changes from peer feedback
  3. Math - make sure you're entered your data from class today

Badminton tournament will be completed on Wednesday during morning recess.

Math test (fractions, decimals, percents, ratios and rates) - Thursday


Learning Goals - April 7

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Our Solar System

Solar System Scope

The Solar System

NASA for Kids


Learning Goal:
  •  Create a visual representation of three quotes that are important to you

Success Criteria:
  • three different quotes (should represent different ideas)
  • images should support the messages of the quotes
  • quotes and images are logically organized
  • audience should be able to make inferences about you as a person

Due date:  Tuesday, April 22nd  

Finding Rates Activities

1. Go to the following link and find out how many words per minute you type?

2. Go to the following link. Complete a test for both multiplication and addition. Record how many facts you can complete in one minute.    

Thursday, 3 April 2014

To do...April 3

  1. Math - textbook p. 322 #1, 2, 4, 5, 8 and worksheet
  2. Speech - rough copy by end of Friday
  3. ART - Friday is the final class time

Living like it is 1986

We discussed this family's experiment in class today. Anyone want to give it a try?

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

To do...April 2

  1. Math - worksheets "Estimating Percents"
  2. Literature Circles - next session tomorrow
  3. ART - Friday final in class period to work on project (plan accordingly)

Monday, 31 March 2014

To do...March 31

  1. Math - textbook p. 314 #3, 4, 8, 10, 11
  2. Lit. Circles - session #3 tomorrow
  3. Inference Evaluation - Wednesday (Image, Comic, & Text)

What can we infer?

Friday, 28 March 2014

Summary and Reflection - group

Do we still need handwriting?
Individual (choose one of the articles):
School bans girl who shaved head to support friend

School tortures students Justin Bieber song

Teen Studies Her Own Cancer


We began a badminton tournament in class today. Here is some inspiration for next week!

To do...March 28

Remember Saturday night from 8:30 to 9:30 is Earth Hour. Highview will be conducting a survey on Monday to see if we can break our record for participation (66% family participation).

  1. Math homework - worksheet "Fractions, Decimals, and Percents"
  2. Literature Circle #3 next Tuesday
  3. ART - we will continue your project on Monday


Introduction to Tomatosphere

Thursday, 27 March 2014

To do...March 27

  1. Math - textbook p. 310 #1, 8, 9, 12, 13
  2. Math - One Question Checkpoint
  3. Literature Circles
  4. Science - Living in Space
  5. Rubrics Signed

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

To do...March 26

  1. Math - Question on Blog (below) and worksheet #3-5
  2. ART - be prepared to work on Mixed Media project
  3. Science due Friday
  4. Lit. Circle - next session FRIDAY (if absent, your work should be complete & shared with group)
  5. Rubrics signed - Math Checkpoint & Olympic website (some people owe me the Math TEST!)

Math - least to greatest

Monday, 24 March 2014

To do..March 24

  1. Literature Circles - first session tomorrow (Be prepared!)
  2. Art - planning sheet due by Wednesday
  3. Science - Living in Space journal - due Friday

Mixed media planning

Friday, 21 March 2014

To do...March 21

  1. Math - textbook p.293 #1, 2 a,d, 3, 4, 6
  2. Literacy - Lit. Circles Tuesday and Thursday
  3. Literacy - speech plan due Monday
  4. Science - "Living in Space" due Friday
  5. Art - planning Mixed Media on Monday

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Living in Space Activity

NASA - Living in Space

Living in Space - CSA

Living in Space - Youtube Videos

“Imagine you are a Canadian astronaut.  Compose a daily journal entry as if you were on a space shuttle mission.  Write and/or illustrate presenting your personal observations while living and working in space.”

Success Criteria:
  • completed on your blog
  • minimum of 3 daily activities descriptions
  • description of what the conditions of  living in space are like (zero gravity, no oxygen)

Success Criteria - Mixed Media Project

  • project includes a minimum of three medias (does not have to be limited to those tried in class)
Include examples of the following elements of design:

  • texture
  • line (direct viewer's attention, create movement etc.)
  • shape (geometric, exaggerated proportions)
  • colour

To do...March 20

  1. Math - textbook p. 289 #1, 3, 4 a-d, 6 and worksheet 8.1
  2. Literacy - Making inferences (using images from the blog)
  3. Speech - planning document completed by Monday
  4. Art - don't forget to be thinking about your ideas for Mixed Media project
Awards Assembly tomorrow morning at 9 am

Making inferences

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

To do...March 18

  1. Literacy - begin reading and preparing for your first Literature Circle
  2. Speech - research topic
  3. Math test signed

Monday, 17 March 2014

To do...March 17

  1. Complete summary of "Working at Google" (2 paragraphs)
  2. Math - representing a fraction in as many ways as possible
  3. ART - think about your plan for the Mixed Media assignment
  4. Math test signed
  5. Speech topic - a few of you need to confirm with me tomorrow

Learning Goals

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

To do...March 5

  • Math Quest tomorrow (review p. 280 #1, 2, 6, 7)
  • "Over the Top" Spirit Day
  • Basketball try-outs (Girls @ 7:30 and Boys @ 3:05-4:30)

Success Criteria - Reflection

  • Shares opinion of text
  • Always tries to uncover the Big Idea in a text
  • Always tries to uncover the most important part of the text
  • Challenge the text by asking questions
  • Makes connections when talking about background knowledge
  • What’s the author’s viewpoint?  Do they show a bias?

Monday, 3 March 2014

Success Criteria - Summary

A good summary:  
  • Your own language (no quoting or examples from text)
  • Important character/people’s names
  • Most Important Events/Details
  • Most Important Words/Vocabulary
  • Logically Organized
  • You include an effective introductory and concluding sentence
  • Conventions (Grammar, Spelling, Punctation)

Armless Man Plays Piano with his Toes - summary

This story is about a 23 year old pianist named Liu Wei who plays piano with his toes.  When Liu was just 10 years old he lost his arms because of electrical shock during a game of hide and seek.  Liu uses his toes for everyday activities including eating, using the computer, dressing himself and brushing his teeth.  Recently he performed in front of a live audience on “China’s got talent”.  His goal right now is to be viewed as a pianist and not a guy people feel bad for.

Making Inferences

Complete the "Inferring from Images" chart. Make your observations. Is there any prior knowledge you needed to make your inference? Be as specific as possible in your inference.

To do...March 3

  1. Rubrics signed: Literature Circle and Science test 
  2. Math Quest - Thursday (transformation, symmetry, rotational symmetry)
  3. Science - title page for new unit - SPACE (questions? what do you want to learn about?)
  4. ART - finish up any assignments before March Break (Gold Fish, Modigliani Portrait, folk art)
  5. Social Studies - draft ideas due tomorrow

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Electricity Design Projects

A few of the creative projects that were shared in class last week:
Spinning disco ball
Propellor hat (it looks good on me!)
Automatic light

Friday, 28 February 2014

Speech Criteria

  • personal connection
  • audience engagement
  • specific ( example: T-Rex vs. dinosaurs)
  • 2 to 4 minutes (aim for 3 minutes)

To do...Feb. 28

  • Math - worksheet "Combined Transformations"
  • Math Checkpoint - Monday
  • Social Studies - Draft ideas (Tuesday)
  • Blogpost - overdue

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Grade 6 Literature Circles

1. Go to Mr. Kaufman's Blog and read about the book options. You can't choose a book that you've already read unless discussed with Mr. Congram.

2.  Complete the survey of your top 3 choices on the survey by Thursday.

Monday, 24 February 2014

To do...Feb. 24

  1. Science Test tomorrow 
  2. Be prepared to present your Olympic site (if you haven't already)
  3. Report card signed and returned
  4. Science Presentations will be completed throughout the week

Folk Art

Team Canada

Here is the great commercial for the Paralympics that froze in class.

Weekly Blogpost

"Some things make you remember where you were, and you don’t forget. Nothing forges those moments across our country like the Olympics." Bruce Arthur 

Choose 3 magical Sochi Olympic moments and explain why they are significant.

Due: Friday, Feb. 28

Friday, 21 February 2014

To do...Feb. 21

  • Math Test - Monday
  • Science Test - Tuesday
  • Olympic Website presentations will begin Monday
  • Science Presentations will begin Tuesday

Go Canada Go!!!

Good advice!

Thursday, 20 February 2014

To do...Feb. 20

Math - textbook p. 154 #4, 6, 9, 10 and p. 157 #2 d, e, f (due Friday)

Math review - p. 160-161 #1-3, 6-8, 10, 11, 14-16, 19 (optional, work on what you need)

Math test moved to Monday and Science test moved to Tuesday

Olympic Athlete website due Friday

Science Project - presentations begin Friday

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

To do...Feb. 18

  1. Math homework - p. 149 #1, 4, 6, 7, 12
  2. Math Test - Friday (see note below)
  3. Olympic Athlete/Sport website due Friday (presentations begin Monday - 2 to 3 mins.)
  4. Science - design projects due Friday (presentations begin Friday)
  5. Science test - next Monday

Grade 6 Decimal Test

Test is on Friday.

  • Standard form, expanded and words
  • Comparing and Ordering (including number line)
  • Rounding
  • Estimating Sums and Differences
  • Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying & Dividing
  • Multiplying by 10, 100, 1000 and 0.1, 0.01, 0.001
  • Dividing by 10, 100, 1000
  • Thursday, 13 February 2014

    To do...Feb. 14

    1. Math - worksheets (multiplying/dividing decimals)
    2. Math checkpoint tomorrow
    3. Literacy - Number the Stars assignment (see post below)

    Number the Stars - Literacy Assignment

    Heroism displays itself in different ways. Think of four characters from Number the Stars who behave heroically. Explain what each character does that is heroic with support from the text.

    Think again about bravery and courage. Does bravery mean being unafraid, or does
    it mean doing something daring even if you are afraid?

    Success Criteria:
    • referred to the text
    • used supporting details and ideas
    • used grade appropriate vocabulary
    • described emotions and character traits
    • made proper use of conventions (spelling, punctuation, grammar)

    Wednesday, 12 February 2014

    Tuesday, 11 February 2014

    To do...Feb. 11

    1. Math - textbook p. 142 #4, 5, 7, 9
    2. Literature Circle - all work due tomorrow

    Science - Electricity Review

    • types of electricity
    • identify renewable and non-renewable energy sources (advantages and disadvantages)
    • types of circuits (be able to draw them with proper symbols)
    • vocabulary: conductor, insulator, circuit, electricity (define)
    • relationship between electricity and magnetism
    • how can you conserve electricity?
    Test will be on Monday, February 24. We will be doing a short review in class to ensure you have up to date notes.

    Monday, 10 February 2014

    To do...Feb. 10

    1. Math - textbook p. 139 #1 (a, c, e, g, i), 2 (a,c), 5, 6, 7 & p. 141 # 1 (a, e, g, h)
    2. Literature Circle: Number the Stars - all work due by Wednesday

    1. Start with a tall 9" x 15" sheet of black paper. Fold the paper in half three times to make 8 equal sections as shown. Draw a head, neck and body as shown on the diagram.
    2. Draw hair around the head as needed.
    3. Modigliana drew his faces in stretched proportions as the eyes usually sit in the middle of the face. Draw your  eyes near the top of the head, and the mouth near the bottom. Continue with a nose and eyebrows.
    4. With a black oil pastel, trace the pencil lines using a lot of pressure to make a thick line. Fill in the skin, hair and clothes with more pastel. If some of the black lines get covered up, trace all again when complete.

    Friday, 7 February 2014

    To do...Feb. 7

    1. French - Quiz on Numbers next Friday
    2. Literature Circle - chapter 14 to 16 due Monday
    3. Science - any materials you need to build your design

    Thursday, 6 February 2014

    To do...Feb. 6

    • Math textbook: page #1 (a, d, g, i), 3, 10
    • Literature Circle - final session: chapters 14 to 16 (due for Monday); remember to make sure you have all your work from all 5 sessions completed
    • Science - plan for your design/materials you might need
    • Scholastic Orders due tomorrow

    Math Problems - Decimals

    Math Communication - for each image explain, using the math, what is wrong with each deal.