Friday, 29 November 2013

To do...November 29

  1. Math - worksheets (area and perimeter)
  2. Science Poster due Monday
  3. Fiction novel read for Monday

Thursday, 28 November 2013

To do...November 28

  1. Equations Quiz signed!!!
  2. Narrative -first draft by end of Friday
  3. Science poster due Monday
  4. Math - textbook p. 344 #1, 2, 4, 6, 7 and worksheet"
  5. French quiz signed
  6. Social Studies presentation next Wednesday
  7. "Favourite Things" blog post due Dec. 9 
Poinsettias are ready to pick up at the school.

Reminder you will be painting Friday afternoon.

Another example of "Things I Love"

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Comet of the Century

Check out this article. In grade 6, we will be studying SPACE in Science.

Learning Goals

To do...Nov. 28

  1. Equation Quiz - signed
  2. Blog Post due December 9
  3. Science poster (due on Monday) - still class time this week
  4. Narrative - rough draft due Friday - still class time this week

Favourite Things Rubric

Blog Post - Favourite Things


Learning Goal:  To create a digital or paper representation of "30-50 Things You Like"

You can use any app/program you want as long as the finished project is one snapshot!!  PAPER may be the best option for this task

Example:  Pic Collage (Limits you to 30)

Compare the digital and paper versions?  What are the advantages/disadvantages of each ?

Due date:  Monday, December 9

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Science Research

Learning goal: create a poster (hardcopy or digital) highlighting a Canadian event or person in the history of flight

Canadian aviation history

Possible topics (these are only suggestions):

  • Royal Canadian Air Force
  • Snowbirds
  • Silver Dart
  • Avro Arrow
  • de Havilland Canada (DHC-2 Beaver)
  • Bombardier
  • Silver Dart
  • Air Canada
  • Billy Bishop
  • Marc Garneau, Roberta Bondar, Chris Hadfield
  • First Trans-Canada flight

Monday, 25 November 2013

News from the music department

Dear Grade 6 Parents:

On Thursday, December 12th, at 7:00 pm, all the grade 6 students from Highview P.S. will be performing on their concert band instrument in the Highview Holiday Concert.

We hope both you and your son/daughter will be available to join us for this community event. 

Musically Yours,

Mrs. Walker
Music Teacher
Highview P.S.

Science Poster Rubric

Thursday, 21 November 2013

To do...Nov. 21

  1. ART - monochromatic collage due Friday
  2. SMART goals due Friday
  3. Read fiction novel by December 2
Don't forget we leave the school at 11:30 for the Apple Store. Bring a lunch, we are eating earlier.

Flying Car?


Videos to Inspire

What are the BIG ideas for our class?

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Tuesday, 19 November 2013


Did anyone see this story on the news?

To do...November 19

  1. Math textbook - p.18 #4, 6, and worksheet (only the back)
  2. Math test signed (by Wednesday)
  3. Blogpost due Friday (SMART goals)
  4. Patterning Quiz - Thursday

Monday, 18 November 2013

To do...November 18

  1. Blogpost due Friday - SMART goals for term 1
  2. Math test - Patterning signed
  3. Math Quiz - equations: Thursday
  4. Art: Monochromatic - by Friday
  5. Photo retakes - November 21
  6. Superhero Day - Friday

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Independent Reading Project

Please bring in a fiction book for an upcoming project. This book will have to be read by December 2.

Blog Post

On your blog, write:
  • 2 Academic Goals  ex.  I want to improve on the thinking and application sections of Math Tests this term
  • 2 Learning Skills Goals  ex.  I want to participate/answer at least 1 question each day
  • 2 Personal Goals (Can include out of school activities) ex.  I want to make the Int./Junior Volleyball/Basketball team

For each goal, please include why achieving these goals are important to you.

Due: Friday, November 22

Thursday, 14 November 2013

To do...November 14

  1. Math - textbook p. 18 #1, 3
  2. Science group presentations - Monday
  3. Silent Auction donations - "Gone to the Dogs"

Other ways to say...

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Making Connections - videos

Rudy Garcia Tolson - Iron Man

To do...November 13

  1. French - cahier work & scene 2 be prepared
  2. Scholastic due tomorrow
  3. Science - group presentations moved to Monday (tomorrow will be to prepare)
  4. Blogpost due Friday
  5. Return report confirmation form
Tomorrow is a Friday schedule (we have gym)

Monday, 11 November 2013

To do...November 11

  1. Math test on Wednesday
  2. French - Vocab test (Wednesday)
  3. Science - group presentations (Thursday)
  4. Silent Auction donations - "Gone to the Dogs"
  5. Blogpost due Friday

Learning Goals

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Making Connections

I read the article below and made some text to self connections. Any guesses whose $60 is in the above picture?

Dog Who Ate $100

Doodle 4 Google

The theme is "If I could invent anything, I would invent..."


Friday, 8 November 2013

Things I Wish I Could Do But Can't...Yet!

10-15 Things You Wish You Could Do

Due Friday, November 15

Here is the start to mine. It is only a work in progress.

  1. Make a hula hoop work:
Using a hula hoop is not terribly important skill. No one wins an Olympic medal for it. Is rhythmic gymnastics still in the Olympics? The hula hoop always seemed like a very simple skill, at least it looks simple when a seven year old girl grabs a hula hoop and starts it spinning! Apparently, my hips don't work, because when I grab the hula hoop it falls to the ground as quickly as gravity will take it.

    2.   Proper cartwheel

A cartwheels fall into the same category as the hula hoop. Physical skills that appear simple to me, but when attempted are actually superhero like tasks. My window of opportunity for this one may be closing, as I get older and slower. Every once in a while, when no one is looking, I give it a shot.

  3.  Play the guitar

I love music! I especially love great guitar players, like Neil Young or Eric Clapton (look them up). When I was a teenager working at summer camps, it was always the guys with guitars,playing "Wild World" by Cat Stevens, who attracted the crowds, especially the girls. My advice to you: if your parents offer you music lessons, go for it!
  1. Hit a 300 yard drive down the middle of the fairway
  2. Draw
  3. Stop properly on skate
  4. Dance without being self conscious
  5. Really speak a second language
  6. Drive a manual transmission car
  7. Really like gardening
  8. Slam dunk like Michael Jordan
  9. Solve the Rubik's cube

To do...November 8

  1. Math Review - p. 26 #1-6, p. 402 #2-4 and "Patterning Problems"
  2. Math test - Wednesday
  3. Silent Auction items or $
  4. Remembrance Day on Monday - donation for poppy

Today we had a great presentation from T.M.'s dad. Thank you very much!

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Strong Beginning Activity

Silent Auction - Gift Basket

To do...Nov. 6

  1. Math - worksheet (both sides - graphing patterns

  • photo orders due Nov. 7
  • Apple Store trip form
  • volleyball clinic tomorrow at lunch
  • interview form
  • Silent Auction basket donations (see note above)

Monday, 4 November 2013

To do...November 4

  1. Math homework - p. 382 #1, 2, 6
  2. Math checkpoint signed (and any other rubrics not yet signed)
  3. Apple Store permission form signed
  4. Literacy - find an example of a great beginning (need a copy)
  5. French - practise scene 1

Dialogue Assessment

Choose one of the three comics. Cut and paste into a Google Doc and write the dialogue using proper punctuation and dialogue tags.

Learning Goals

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Kids These Days

Here is C.C.'s blog-post for this week. Thinking outside the box!