Wednesday, 18 June 2014

To do...June 19

Tomorrow (during periods 1 and 2) is the last chance to finish the following assignments:

  • Data Management Project
  • Persuasive writing (free choice on topic)
  • Media text assignments
If you know you can't finish in this time, please complete some of the work for homework.

Other notes:
  • Thursday is the deadline for trip forms
  • 2 L pop bottles (we need 3 to 5 for an activity)

Upcoming dates:
  • Monday: trip to Simeon Park (all day)
  • Wednesday: Leaders at the Primary Play Day
  • Wednesday: Awards Assembly (1:30 to 3:00)
  • Thursday: Final Half Day

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

To do...Wed., June 11

  1. Signed rubrics (Math test, Science test, Literature Circle)
  2. The following assignments are overdue for some students: writing (Movie theatre or home theatre); Art reproduction; Literature Circle project

Monday, 9 June 2014

Work for June 10

Mr. Congram is away at the Area Track and Field event tomorrow. Remaining students will be merging with Mr. Keith's class. The following are items that can be worked on:

Grade 6 Media Poster - Part 2

Learning Goal:  Create a movie poster (Digital or hard copy) of a movie that you have seen.

Find a movie poster or book cover on the internet of a movie/book that you have seen or read that you feel is not a good representation of the film/book

Recreate the movie poster/ book cover following our success criteria.  See the criteria from yesterday's post.

Explain what changes you made to the original and why your movie poster/ book cover is a better representation of the movie/book.


To do...June 9

  1. Rubrics signed: Science test, Math test, Literature Circle (by Thursday)
  2. Topic for second persuasive writing
  3. Math - create a document with 2 graphs and statements (share with Mr. Congram)
  4. Letter for Mrs. Gabriel signed and returned
  5. Artist Research - overdue

Thursday, 5 June 2014

To do...June 5

There are a number of assignments that need to be finished up:
  • "Heritage Moment" - Canadian Space Exploration
  • Artist Research Project
  • Literature Circle Project - presentations next Monday and Wednesday
  • Persuasive writing (Movie Theatre vs. Home Theatre) - due Monday at latest

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Persuasive Media Text

Learning Goal:  Find a movie poster on the internet and explain why you think it meets the criteria for a persuasive media text.

1.  Create a document on Google drive called "Movie Poster"- Name

2.  Share the document with me

3.  Search the internet for a movie poster that meets the success criteria (picture of it below)

4.  Paste the image onto the document

5.  Explain why you think the poster you chose meets the criteria (Be specific)